AZ: Calls for vice mayor’s resignation for allowing a registered sex offender to stay at her house

Source: 9/5/23

A crowded and contentious meeting is expected at Peoria City Hall Tuesday night as residents plan to weigh in on Mayor Jason Beck and the City Council’s request for Vice Mayor Denette Dunn to resign.

Dunn was asked to resign after the Peoria Police Department released a report last week that showed a longtime friend of hers, who is a registered sex offender, had intermittently stayed at her house the past year, potentially in violation of state law. The police alleged the man should have registered Dunn’s address, which would have notified the surrounding neighbors.

Beck said Dunn breached the public’s trust and that she should hold herself accountable. Dunn said she’s done nothing wrong and that Beck is targeting her because they disagree over LGBTQ issues.

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FAC has a blurb on this as well (here) with a little more detail such as the gent in question has his mother living with the councilwoman and he visits her while in town. BTW, his conviction is ages ago and goes to show how AZ is inconsiderate of the facts. AZRSOL should be on this too at that meeting.

The story is tehnically behind a paywall, though the source code for the page reveals the entire story. Since I can’t paste the whole article per rules, let me summarize a few points:

Vice Mayor Denette Dunn was asked to resign after the Peoria Police Department released a report last week that showed a longtime friend of hers, who is a registered sex offender, had intermittently stayed at her house the past year, potentially in violation of state law. The police alleged the man should have registered Dunn’s address, which would have notified the surrounding neighbors.

Question: How did the police become aware of the registrant in the first place? And if so, why didn’t they arrest or at least approach and question the registrant in the first place?

Beck said Dunn breached the public’s trust and that she should hold herself accountable. Dunn said she’s done nothing wrong and that Beck is targeting her because they disagree over LGBTQ issues.

There are valid points to Dunn’s assertion regarding being targeted.RSO issues are routinely used to inflame passions more than provide legitimate safety concerns and I suspect that Dunn’s political views are triggering this commotion (and probably answers the first question regarding how police knew in the first place).

The City Council was not slated to discuss Dunn or the resignation request, but on Sunday, the chairman of the Arizona Republican Party’s 28th Legislative District emailed members requesting “all hands on deck” for the Sept. 5 meeting.

And therin lies the heart of the matter. Let’s have a good ol’ fashions pitchforks and torches lynching!!

In my opinion, this is another blatant piece of evidence that’s already high enough to stack up to Mars, let alone the Moon, that the registry is unconstitutionally being enforced against the 2003 ruling parameters.

This is an odd conclusion to the residency problem. The registrant, not homeowner, is responsible for registering. Instead, Peoria PD is using the registrant as a political tool to attack a non-registrant.

Just knowing, dating or have a family member on the registry can cost you your life